The circuit breaker is an absolutely essential device in the modern world, and one of the most important safety mechanisms in your home. Whenever electrical wiring in a building has too much current flowing through it, these simple machines cut the power until somebody can fix the problem. Without circuit breakers (or the alternative, fuses), household electricity would be impractical because of the potential for fires and other mayhem resulting from simple wiring problems and equipment failures.
Check out the two videos to understand the How Circuit Breakers Work
Are You Getting Maximum Efficiency From Your Circuit Breaker Switchboard?
If you haven’t upgraded your switchboard in years or you have expanded your energy demands, the likely response to this question is “no”. At Dara Switchboards we have been supplying excellent power management systems to some of the world’s largest companies for almost a decade.
We pride ourselves on our ability to meet our client’s specific energy requirements, hook them up to the grid with our specialist products and maximise the efficiency of their business operations.
One Of The Most Important Features Of Every Building
A circuit breaker switchboard is an often-overlooked piece of equipment that is essential to the modern world. They are one of the most important safety mechanisms found in every household and electrical installation. When too much electrical current flows through the electrical wiring in a building these simple machines cut the power until the problem can be rectified.
Without circuit breakers, it would be impractical and unsafe to power a household due to the high potential for wiring to short circuit and cause electrical fires. As businesses can consume a greater deal of electricity, and therefore pose a more serious threat of a short circuit, much more complex electrical systems are required to manage the flow of current safely. That is where Dara Switchboards come in.
We design and manufacture first-rate mechanical switchboards specific to the energy needs of our clients to make sure that they get the power they need without wasting current that could threaten their operation. Dara Switchboards can help with your:
- Building management control systems
- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment management
- Ventilation monitoring systems
Training Our Future Engineers To Master Circuit Brakers
As well as providing businesses with outstanding energy systems, we also provide invaluable training to the next generation of engineers through our engineering internship program. Each year we take on young graduates who are passionate about getting hands-on experience working in the areas of:
- Electrical engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- Multimedia design
- Information and communications technology
- Business development
- Marketing
Students interested in applying for an internship with us can access all the relevant information on our website or they can email, phone or Skype with a member of our team who will be happy to talk through the process in detail.
Applications can also be made directly through our website. Why not view some of our past internship testimonials to get a sense of what our program can offer?
The Smart Way To Manage Your Electrical Flow
If you are considering an upgrade of your electrical management system then you can’t do any better than a Dara circuit breaker switchboard.
You can find a full list of our products and services on our website. While you are there why not browse through our recently completed projects as well as the industry updates that we have posted.
When you’re ready to make the next move you can contact us by phone or directly through our website and a customer services agent will walk you through the whole process.